Congratulations for Chuanwei Zhou of paper accepted by AAAI 2023!
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祝贺周传伟的论文被AAAI 2023收录。
Vision and Graph Group (VGG) is affiliated with the PCA Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology.
The VGG’s study covers Computer Vision (CV) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, the study group focuses on graph learning (graph neural network), vision perception & computation (segmentation/detection/tracking), face analysis (emotion), etc. In addition, VGG also pays attention to many applications such as anomaly detection, intelligent agent, etc. The study group aims to develop/create novel intelligent theories/methods to solve some key problems in CV & AI.
Currently, the group contains more than 30 members totally, four full-time teachers among them. Please see the internal website for more details.
recent paper.
祝贺周传伟的论文被AAAI 2023收录。
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祝贺李勇老师入选2022年度 “香江学者计划”。
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祝贺李勇的论文被T-MM 22收录。
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祝贺徐旭冉的论文被T-ITS 22收录。
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祝贺张文华的论文被T-GRS 2022收录。
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论文题目: D. Liu, X. Liu, S. Peng, L. Zhu, Z. Cui, H. Li. Enhancing Multi-View Clustering via Mutual Contrastive Teacher-Student Leaning. ICDM, 2022.
recent paper.
祝贺李勇,劳灵杰的论文被T-IP 22收录。
论文题目: Yong Li, Lingjie Lao, Zhen Cui, Shiguang Shan, Jian Yang. Graph Jigsaw Learning for Cartoon Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP) 22.
outstanding young backbone of Qinglan Project in Jiangsu Universities.
recent paper.
热烈祝贺一篇论文被T-MM 22收录。
论文题目: Xin Liu, Jinhan Yi, Yiuming Cheuug, Xing Xu, Zhen Cui. OMGH: Online Manifold-Guided Hashing for Flexible Cross-modal Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM) 22.